Robert Muratore, Me, and Alexandre Philippe.
I finally saw the People vs George Lucas last Friday at Wizard World, the Chicago Comic Convention. I also finally met "in person" the director, Alexandre Philippe who I worked with while creating the poster. That was nice because in my line of work, I rarely get to meet people in person. I also met Robert Muratore, who is the producer and director of Photography for the film.
The People VS. George Lucas is a great documentary, very fun and has a balanced view of the fans love/hate of Star Wars and George himself. Go see it if you can.

My friend Josh Helle who was my model for the angry fan, me, and Alexandre Philippe.

I was told by Alexandre and Robert that they just premiered the film at Pixar and that my poster was hanging all over at Pixar . . . man, I wish I was my poster . . . sounds like a fun road trip that they've been on? They also played the film for the folks at Dreamworks and are off soon to Paris and a few other places in Europe! The film will eventually play in select cities and then will be available on DVD, and when that happens, I'll be sure to let everyone know.